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How to Find the Best Chromebooks


Chromebooks are quickly becoming the device of choice among people who use their laptop over the internet. They are powerful, extremely affordable, and packed with features you'd expect from the latest smartphones and tablets. However, before you rush out and buy one, it's worth considering whether a Chromebook really is a great idea for your needs. Here are some pros and cons to keep in mind.

Chromebooks are popular for students and perfect for those who are constantly on the go. Many offer great battery life, and many run Android applications thanks to Chrome OS integration for the Google Play Store. But, does chromebooks work well as a laptop? In general, it should, but there are a few factors that might make a laptop more suitable.

First, do you need the internal hardware of laptops? Many of today's highest-end laptops have high-end external hardware as well. Think of the difference between an iPhone and an iPad. On an iPhone, you can take it in your pocket and use it on the subway or bus without any problems. With an iPad, you need to buy the expensive device in order to use it on the subway or bus. By contrast, chromebooks apps work great in the absence of external hardware, but if you want to get as much battery life as possible, you may be better off with a device that has the same internal hardware as many current laptops.

Second, will your needs be larger than 10.2 inches? Many people are moving their laptop around to different rooms, often to be used by various members of the family or for homework. If you need to play video games and watch streaming media, you'll want a larger screen size. However, many of today's chromebooks only have screens that are around ten inches diagonally. It would be impossible to see much text on these screens, and if you were to try to browse through web pages, the resulting image would be very small. To make up for this loss of horizontal space, some of the newest chromebooks have smaller, wider screens that offer better viewing experience.

Third, which screen size is best? As with any new technology, there are two main choices in chromebooks: the touchscreen type and the keyboard type. The former offers a small trackpad below the larger display, allowing you to browse through web pages or select text. A big drawback is that you'll spend much of your time using the trackpad instead of the keyboard, making it difficult to actually type. On the other hand, a wide-screen does not allow for as much legibility as a taller model, but you can also get a larger keyboard.

Fourth, which battery life will best suit you? The biggest shortcoming of modern laptops is their battery life. The lack of a battery means that you'll have to plug in for most of the time while using the device. While the longer chromebooks with extended battery life may be perfect for travelers, they won't hold up as well to heavy use. If you frequently use a computer for work or study, a short-lived battery life is perfectly acceptable.

Fifth, what features are important to you? You might consider buying a high-end feature such as HD or 4K resolution. Or you might prefer a lower spec model with basic features such as wifi and data storage. Whichever you choose, do your research! Compare prices between several models before making a purchase. You should also check out some of the reviews for each of the models you're interested in seeing how others liked the laptop's performance.

With all this choice and more, finding the best chromebooks for your needs should be easy. Just make sure you understand everything your new laptop has to offer and search for a laptop that meets your needs. Many of the new models of chromebooks offer great functionality for an affordable price. Get ready to discover the amazing world of new technology with your new laptop!